I actually spend my life in UK in a way I don't really want it to be.. Lifeless and study everyday..
I can tolerate everything because I am a grown up girl and should not let anyone worry about me.
But today I really cannot tahan already!! I stupidly bought unknown sausage to eat and realized it is actually made from pork offal~ I HATE PORK to the extends that I don't even want to see it.. But things changed in UK because I have to eat pork or else no meat for me, I don't know how to cook beef, and my Chinese Zodiac is Goat so I don't eat mutton, somehow i feel we are like same species LOL anyways I HATE PORK.. I still eat pork in UK because I got no choice =( but I can never believe that I actually will end up eating pork offal ARGH!! its so disgusting the smell still in my mouth even it is like 15 hours already T________T
I think if i go china i might start eating dogs and cats and maybe crocodile or anything eatable..
few days ago I used lard to fried chicken chop because they said it would be nice but it is not!! the whole chicken chop spoiled because of the lard smell.. and I thought it would be the worst food I ever cooked and I ATE PORK OFFAL today OMG OMG OMG T_______T
one bite ruin my day.. haiz..
I know for people who thinks pork offal is eatable (or probably likes to eat) I'm just overreacting.. But it is quite a big challenge to me as I rarely eat pork and never eat pork offal..
I feel soooo disgusting until i cannot sleep, because the smell is in my mouth..
Lesson of the Story: Don't simply buy unknown food
& Conclusion: I HATE PORK

I miss SnowFlakes not because of the snow flakes but all the crap and nonsense we talked there, all the time we have wasted there.. We are together..
and actually I miss SnowFlakes because of SnowFlakes also la.. but i find it meaningless to go there without you guys..
Actually I did went there without you all for once, but make me emo for 1 day because i fell back to the time we crapping there LOL
but now i want to go also cannot already.. sobz
i miss the sweet potatoes dessert there lah..~
hahaha xD
What I trying to say is we have our very own memories hahahahahaa XD
I know this is a very hard time for all of us because seems like everyone is so busy for their life and studies and stuffs..
But move on move on!! time will flies than we will success with flying rainbow colours :D we are on the way, not to reach the star but to discover the galaxy LOL
with Love
Grace the Chen
OMFG Do you still hearted me?
I mean, after all those times we spent together and you still think I'm just a friend you can just treated like everybody out there?
Listen, who gonna let you lean on their shoulders and let your bloody saliva and tears and the f**king disgusting mucus even get near to them?
I know you would let me, coz you'd just let everybody do that in that situation..
But I'm different, if it is not you (and some other VIPs of mine) I'll just bash them up..
See?! you are THAT special to me and you refused, to put up a skirts for me?
GOSH did you just said I FORCING you to die or something?
do you ever know that I actually care of you until I'm willing to take those bad and painful memories on your behalf if I could?
you just dont understand.. You push people far away when we are there to help..
you stay in your small little bubble but things dont get better if you never try to make it better!
have you ever really want to get over that f**king DOB who spent your money, wasted your life and cheated you at the very beginning?
please I'm hearing this for like infinity times and you make my life up and down..
for your own good you must get over this.. ALL the statuses you posted in FB, repeat them to yourself.. for example like 'he dont even feel your presence so its better you leave now than bugging him'..
I'll talk to you soon when I'm chill, perhaps 2 months after.. when I finish exam~
anything just give me your hand, and I'll be there to pull you out from your lil world..
to the one: u know who u are..
the moment you chosen her, I should have know that we weren't the same anymore..
the moment I choose my life to be like now, I shoulda know that I gradually lose you..
But you are always always my babe, who I never ever give up..
although now you dun see me as your special one anymore..
no longer willing to lose anything for me..
no longer waiting for my phone calls like you used to be..
For you, I'm just like everybody out there..
But seriously who ever treated you like me?!
seriously.. When you chosen her, even that I know she is a bitch and I hate her.. I respect your decision, because I believe one day when you come back with all the wounds, I must be there for you.. you must be needing me.. now i guess I'm wrong..
I never think of you will ever leave me alone..
Silly huh?! I actually believed that we are best friend forever..
I'm nothing special for you anymore..
But for me you are the only person I ever wanted to take care of forever..
you are actually such a kid..
and no one knows you better than me..
I would kill anybody who trying to backstab you..
I want you to lean on me when you are sad, or at least let me know ok?
I want you to know that I'm always always there for you, no matter what..
I remember you said even I cant make you put on a skirt but guess what I've seen =(
I forgive you for everything you have done to me..
I always thought that you are tired of those days we fight..
but just only i got that you dun even bother to fight..
I just want you to come back, and us go back to the old times we had, when I was in the theater crying for your hugs.. we were at the hutan bandar, you crying for my little consolation..
I know I'm just nobody for you now.. because I actually chosen my way without bringing you along.. But I thought you are thoughtful enough to follow me up, and I thought our hearts somehow connected.. I guess I'm wrong right now, we will never back to the same..