I think i have disconnected with the world outside =_=
I dun even know daylight saving began and was thinking why the lappie and handphone's time are different from my watch @@
Better get a life......
After a long waiting time it is out :)

对于日本的地震, 我很震惊, 也很难过..
在网络上看到一些地震时候拍到的影片, 看到很多人惊讶害怕的表情, 看到他们的无助..
我不知道我可以做的是什么.. 除了祈祷:
请为拯救人员祈祷, 让他们顺利的进行救灾, 不要受伤。
请为受波及的国家祈祷, 希望大家都平安无事。
请为日本地震的罹难者祈祷, 希望他们在美丽的天国过得很好。
请为罹难者的家属祈祷, 希望他们勇敢的活下去。
请为日本祈祷, 希望天灾过后雨过天晴。
请为这个世界祈祷, 希望每个人都健康快乐。
也为自己祈祷, 感谢我们平安无事。
I'm very shock and sad for the Japan earthquakes..
I saw from internet some video recorded when the earthquakes happen, and the people are scared, and helpless..
The number of people sacrifice keeps increase..
and I can do nothing, except for praying..:
Please Pray for the trapped people to be save as soon as possible..
Please Pray for the rescuers, for them to carry out the disaster relief task smoothly, to save people without any injured..
Please Pray for the affected countries, for them to be safe and sound..
Please Pray for the victims, hope them will be well in the other beautiful heaven..
Please Pray for the victims' families, hope them have the strength to live bravely..
Please Pray for Japan, wish everything will be fine after this storm disaster..
Please Pray for the World, for everyone to be healthy and happy..
and also don't forget to pray for yourself, be grateful whatever you are having now..

It is officially 1 month and 20 days to my Final~~~ T______T
OMG I'm so scared now o(>﹏<)o
*scream in heart* Argh~~~!!!!
I don't want~~
I want to watch PPS everyday and put all my books away lah!
Why always final one~ ╮(╯_╰)╭
I remember few months ago
I just finished my Final and terbang to UK
then now sekelip mata je FINAL AGAIN!!
Why did my life so pack with all the study stuff one..?
I also want go travel around on Easter Break lah~~