~on the LRT going 2 Kelana Jaya~


~situation in the LRT~

~View from LRT~

~Sunway Pyramid Ice~

~gt ppl fell down~

~Sunway Lagoon view from Pyramid~

~H.Q.Peng skating^^[silly guy]~

~ya^^so cute ya^^~
~KL nt too bad place bahh~
~so my Kulai frenz dun wori me ya^^~

=wish my NS frenz all the BEST=
=ChaZai gt well soon=
*bfore 1 leave~my dear bed*

*opposite the bus station*

*on the bus*

*ppl went toilet liao*

*Keselamatan Semasa Banjir*

*hapuskan aedes*

*still on the bus*

*on the bus oso*

*my bro hostel~i stayed overnite here*

*nite luu~*

*nite view of wangsa maju*

*in the house*

*webcam wit ah qi[my sis]~*

*so fast i left luu~*
*a bit far gua~*
*from my hostel 2 here*
*i reli reli very miss him worr..*
*meet him soon ya^^*

P/S:Ah-Hui dun sad sad ya..i sayang euu~haha^^
i m going bac 2 KL 2ml..
a bit happy..
a bit sad..
i miss my frens in Kulai..
i dun bear 2 leave them..
n hv 2 wait until March~
but i miss oso sum1..
i m so useless..in love..
i m failure..of love..
n now..i scare..bcoz of love..
haha~i blieve he is a gud ppl..
so my frens here~
pls bless me..
n support me~
yaya..maybe he looks bit like ChLim~
maybe he weird as CHLim~
n oso maybe he nt the best selection~
but he is my choice rite..
i noe euu all will support me 1~
coz v r best frens~
miss me oo~
dun 4gt to buy CHLim a box of mandarin orange..
n oso dun 4gt..
15March~BBQ at my place~all-night^^
but no beers TQ~
haha Kulai Best^^
never 4gt euu all..
comfort me..
support me..
when i m down~
when i depress~
n when i alone~